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A professional quality honey and oatmeal shampoo that deep cleans and conditions the coat, leaving a pleasant fragrance.


Using oatmeal shampoo can help relieve your dog’s itchy skin, moisturising and soothing itchy skin. It also helps relieve symptoms of allergies, dry skin, hot spots, and flea and tick problems. Oatmeal shampoo also helps clean and soften a dog’s coat.


Can be used straight from the bottle or diluted 1 part shampoo to 15 parts water.  We also have Honey and Oatmeal Cologne.

Honey and Oatmeal Shampoo

  • Suitable for rough, double and wire hair coats and dogs withstand off coats. Eg: Beagles, Fox Terriers, Chow Chows, Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, etc.

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